全力对付; 努力克服;
Cuz we done swam with the sharks, wrestle with alligators.
因为我们刚跟鲨鱼游了泳, 跟鳄鱼摔了跤.
互联网It's disgusting. Girls just shouldn't wrestle with boys.
那样很恶心, 女孩子就是不应该和男孩子摔跤.
——期刊摘选He set on people to persuade him to wrestle with the famous wrestler.
辞典例句The policeman had to wrestle with the criminal in order to get the handcuffs on him.
辞典例句Juanita : Please don't wrestle with mommy. You're too big.
别和妈妈摔跤了, 你块头太大了.
互联网An egg should not wrestle with a rock.
互联网We have to wrestle with difficulties.
辞典例句I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig.
很早以前我就懂得, 永远不要与猪争斗.
互联网He began to wrestle with his opponent.
互联网Simon Winchester's lively biography ( see article ) focuses on what drove Needham to wrestle with this issue.
西蒙. 温彻 斯特生动的传记主要集中描述了是什么原因让李约瑟如此执着于这一难题.
互联网The boy shouldn't wrestle with such an experienced opponent.
互联网HH: Maybe language has its own way of working. We wrestle with it and seldom win.
后后: 也许语言有它自己的工作方式, 我们或多或少都在它的掌控之下,一直跟它搏斗着,而且少有胜算.
互联网Should girls be allowed to wrestle with boys?
应该让女生去和男生摔跤 吗 ?
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